Wednesday, September 27, 2017

iPhone X re-push the face recognition technology why 2017 years before the fire?

One night burst of red face recognition is not really new technology. 2012, the face of the unlock feature debut in the installation of Andrews platform Galaxy Nexus; 2015, Microsoft developed a biometric identification system Windows Hello, support for facial recognition log, Google launched known as the strongest face recognition system FaceNet; , Has not yet left the Baidu chief scientist Wu Enda announced that Baidu's face recognition technology has gone beyond Google, Ma in Germany through Alipay successful "brush face" to buy a 1948 Hanover Industrial Fair commemorative stamps.

Before the depth of learning, face recognition methods are generally divided into two steps: high-dimensional artificial feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. Popularity, each person's face by the forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks and other small combination of several regions, the machine can be based on facial geometry to extract some features to identify.

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