Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mobile Phone Safety for Kids

Children in the U.S. are starting to own mobile phones at an earlier age than ever before. Parents often decide to give a child her own cell phone as a way to communicate quickly when the child is away from home. You can call her to explain if you are running late, she can let you know if a practice time has changed or she can call you to ask permission to visit a friend's house. However, mobile phone safety needs to be explained to kids in order to avoid any future problems.


One of the most important rules of cell phone safety for kids is to encourage them to only talk to individuals they know. They should never talk to strangers over the phone. The child should only be allowed to give out his phone number to people of whom you approve. If the phone has Web access or texting ability, the same rules should apply. Some phones also come with GPS tracking abilities that can be shared with friends. Request this feature be used with only people they know.


According to CNN, sexual predators can use cell phones to lure children. When a child has a cell phone, the predator can communicate with the child in secret. If the child does use a cell phone, you should monitor all communications. Check call logs and text messages sent and received.


It is not advised by Scholastic Magazine for the child to publish her cell phone number where others can see it. The phone number should never be placed on social networking websites, such as Facebook and MySpace.


Mobile phones often come with blocking features. Teach the child to block messages and phone calls from numbers he does not recognize. If the phone rings and it is from a number he does not know, he should be advised to not answer.


If the child is at home, most phone calls can be made and received from your house's landline. You may want to only give the phone to the child when she leaves the home, and thus avoid many potential problems.

1 comment:

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